Monday, April 30, 2007

A message from 3sixteen.

I hit the clothing company 3sixteen up, thanking them for making some 3xl's. In this world we call streetwear you don't see that too often so I always like to thank people who are looking out for the BIG So I'm pleased to repost their response to my email from MYSPACE>

"good looking out on the support, we appreciate it. with 3xl's we dont usually run that many but i know there are bigger dudes out there that like what we are doing so we run them anyways. check for the 2nd delivery of our spring line in a few weeks @ straight laced, there's more more 3X in there too haha. one of the owners is 3X so i know he always orders them for the shop."

So you heard it here... yall def. should support 3sixteen

Alpha Dog

I've been trying to watch this movie since I first heard about it. Great movie. A must see. You think you know what the ending is... you have no Get it on DVD today.

The Swinging See Saw

Bored? Have nothing better to do? Well check out the and get unbored. lol. Fun little site with a bunch of new type interactive activities to do on the sight. I can't give it justice by just type about it. Plenty of artwork and just clicking fun. Check out here.

Fitted- geared bikes

Everybody into extreme sports have been talking a lot about Fitted-gear bikes. I guess EVERYBODY is talking to the point the New York Times have come up with an article about fitted gears. I've pretty much been waiting to get some insight about the sport and I got it from the strangest of Pretty good article, let's see what the fitted-gear heads think about it. Shit fitted-gear have been around forever. My father has one in the basement that he used to use to go to work before he got a car. I still remember it because the only thing he had was a little ass repair kit on Real simple, no bells or whistles to talk of. I guess that's why I never really liked it. It was the time of the BMX craze and as a 5 or 6 year old it just wasn't cool like the dudes on KIDS!!! But here we are today talking about it. Well check out the article here!

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Brown Skin (Buddy Remix)

Remix to the Richie Spice 'Brown Skin' Music Video. Music remixed to the Musiq Soul Child 'Buddy'

Crooked I

I've never heard him spit like this...

Junko Mizuno

Junko Mizuno animations from Japanorama series 3

Rob Zombie's Halloween

Director: Rob Zombie

Cast: Malcolm McDowell, Scout Taylor-Compton, Danielle Harris, Brad Dourif, Sheri Moon, Dee Wallace, Udo Kier, William Forsythe, Danny Trejo, Richard Lynch, Sybil Danning, Adrienne Barbeau, Clint Howard, Courtney Gains

Release Date:
31 August 2007 (USA)

Plot: After young Michael Myers killed his older sister one Halloween night he was committed for 15 years to a mental institution were he soon broke out and is in search for his little sister Laurie Strode as he returns back to his home town Haddonfield and finds his sister she and hers friends must put up a battle to survive as Michael Myers tries to kill them.


All American......

Whats going on people?
Today I accompanied my boy Draco to Englishtown Swapmeet and Autoshow today. Pictures up later on today. A little history.. Englishtown is the home of Raceway Park. If I'm right it's the only racetrack around. My cousin nick used to go down there to race his Nissian Sentra aka "the monster" lol. I used to love going down there, everybody shares the love for cars. The only beef people used to have there was import or American.

The reason I put "All American" as the title for today's blog is because of the strange love for the US that these Redneck dudes have. I find it crazy that you can go somewhere and can see Nazi stuff for sell like it's nothing. From patches, knifes & crazy collectables they are all there for sale right next to the Rican flags and Born to Ride tshirts... Confederate flags are also all over the place. Are we not in the north? why the hell does every guy have a packet, tshirts or tat of the damn flag? The crazier part is that black and spanish (it kinda freaked me out that their was as many p.ricans out there as there was) people were buying shit from the same people that had all this racist shit out. I know if I would be able to ask the people selling it would just say "that's what these people want and I'm here to make money" lol.

That feeling I had down there took me aback because I sit in the hood everyday and think it's all good. When I think about racism I think of middle America just being ignorant but there is a whole different group of people out there that blames all their woo's on the black and brown people in the US. O well.... enough on that back to the fun...

After the swapmeet or swampmeet like I love calling we headed to Straight Laced in New Brunswick that I reported about earlier this week. Love the store, they are stocked better then my fav. shops in NYC. I had to cop the Blood, Sweat & Tears tee from 3sixteen.

3sixteen's 3xl's are official my people. So now when you go in my closet you will find Crooks and Castles and 3sixteen. I also picked up a great The Hundreds hoodie. They only go up to 2xl's but its a good size for me.

ps... I also picked up my first Air-soft pistol today from the It's on bitches!!!!

Friday, April 27, 2007

Mike's Wallet

Most recently, we saw some sunglasses from MIKE. Today, we bring you these aluminum wallets. They come in black and silver and are available directly from Mike’s website. Always good to see them come out with items no one really thinks of. So you know I had to get one. :OP

Got the info from

M.O.P's rock group "Hevi Medal"s new video "7:30"

Mr. Rogers Was a B-Boy

Blokhedz game.

you got what it takes to duck the Street Sweepers and get back the pages from your rhyme book that they stole? Time for some get back, kid! Big Up to Imagery Media, who put this game together! Check out their site for more games like ?uestlove Hits The Streets and Samurai Champloo amongst many others, these guys got the juice.

Just go here and press play for a Taste

Attaboy's Too Many Robots.

Attaboy's new animated show on Disney channel is out now, you should be able to download it now on itunes.

“Too Many Robots!” was created and directed by Attaboy and written by Johanna Stein. The animation was done by Ghostbot, with music by Mike Relm. The short features voices by Kelly Stables (The Ring 2 & 3), Iris Bahr (Larry the Cable Guy), Brian Stepanek (The Suite Life of Zack and Cody) and Greg Cipes (Teen Titans).
It's not on YouTube yet but you can check it out here!

Rihanna, Jay-Z - Umbrella

Buju Banton - "Driver A"

weekly bizee is

Aight peeps Weekly Drop has a new webcast with Evidence of Dilated Peoples. This is their first official show on DJ Muggs' portion of Serius Radio. Happy to see the guys moving on to bigger things as long as I still get it for If you don't feel like going to the weekely drop website here you can just go to and catch it here.
He talks about his past, streetwear and his new album the Weatherman.


Evidence vs. Crackhead

Evidence Weatherman commercial

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Straight Laced

Straight Laced is a new streetwear spot in New Brunswick NJ. I just found out about them from the Hundreds blog and can't wait to meet the guys. I hit them up on their Myspace page here but you can check out the interview they did here.

Immortal Technique- The 4th branch

Dissizit/Slick Time Lapse-Stretch Art

Time lapse of Slick painting at Stretch Art with Genius.
Gardena, CA 2007


can't get this damn song out my head... BOY LOOKA HERE!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Sa-Ra "Feel the Bass" f. Talib Kweli & Erykah Badu

Video for Sa-Ra's first single off theor "Hollywood Recordings" album which comes out April 24, 2007 on Babygrande Records. The album features Kweli, Badu, Monch, J Dilla, Kurupt, Capone-n-Noreaga, Georgia Anne Muldrow and more.

I just copped the album I'll have my review soon.

De La Hoya - Mayweather 24/7

This show is so great. If you have on demand you need to watch it now... HBO... Sports section.


Since Marvel has been putting these cute guys out I've liked them. I never got any because they come with stupid.. ok maybe not stupid but the kiddie extras or I would have had a shit load of them by now. I think they appeal to me because of exaggerated details of the figure.. kinda gives it a graf. feel to it.

Mister Cartoon Movie & Toy

Levi's Flu

People are still not respecting Levi's around my way. Maybe if we could taste what the rest of the world is from them they would have a different take on things. FLU is Levi’s sportswear division, which is only available in Japan. The line combines denim and non denim products for those who are more into the active lifestyle. For the S/S 2007 collection, they have light weight tees, jackets, active fit denim pants, ponchos, and a new monogram collection of pants and polos. Check it out here. it's not in english but you can view the whole collection there.

Bobbito Garcia Video Bio

Denim Design Lab

For all denim lovers, the Denim Design Lab book is definitely an interesting item that deserves considerable attention. This book contains information about the history of denim, process of producing denim, denim terms, denim fabric, and features many brands such as Levis, Evisu, Disel, and many more. This book will provide a great amount of information for all those that want to learn more about denim. The book is now available at Amazon.

This was ripped from

The Brooklyn Circus.

These two concept tees are @ the Brooklyn Circus' blog and they want to know what you think. They have a couple more designs up there but these two are killing it for me. I'm just hoping they'll make a couple 3xls for I can cop one. By 3xl I mean Crooks and Castles 3xl's not Stack & Bundles 3xl or 4xl for that Well let them know what you think by check it out here.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Nico Berry 6 Inch FatCap

Nico Berry 6 Inch FatCap
Brooklyn based street stylist Nico Berry bombs the newest 6 inch Fatcap. The True 54 Spraycanouflage edition FatCap comes with a diorama background and box that blend into a totally tagged world for $29.95

May 3

Sunday, April 22, 2007


Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Before we hit Philly up we had to get our drink on at El Jangueo Social Club in Newark with our peeps... what up B? If they think your cool enough they will save you as a friend on their myspace page.. Here!

I had to take a powernap on the way to philly because I was done from all the drinking earlier. If you want you can call it Beauty

I was happy I could pick up the Mishka fitted from Pedestrian on South Street. Check out their blog here.

Millz & Draco @ Fluid with me in Philly. We tend to like being the first people there for we can pick up that spot.

DJ Mike Nyce with founding father Kool Herc on the uno &

That drink in my hand is called Purple Haze.. HMMm. I don't remember the name of the bartender that served it to me but I sure do remember the name of the

Cheap liquior makes draco look like a & look at Millz in the background- tell her you'll call her back already.

I might have to bring Sangre out here for he can check out his girl- Jean Grae.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

TV on the Radio - Staring at the Sun

Los Cocorocos

Let's take a little break to bring you some spic


Tim Biskup for Helio

Watch Tim Biskup in action painting a large mural for phone company Helio.

Ripped from Vinyl Abuse

Kobe Bryant Vinyl Figure


April 24: The day is fast approaching for the much-anticipated Kobe Bryant All-Star Vinyl figures launch. The sought-after figures (shown above) will go on sale promptly at 8:24 a.m. on Tuesday, April 24, 2007. Don't be late! In its previous All-Star Vinyl launch of Sidney Crosby figures, the Upper Deck Store quickly SOLD OUT of its allotment of the Crosby two-pack configuration (white and black unifom versions), and SOLD OUT less than three hours later of its allocation of the single black (home) uniform version as well. Ripped from Upper Deck!


I have to see this movie!

Friday, April 20, 2007

Boogie Monsters

Wow! I just started to remember these dudes. The summer of 94' I came back to school and was all about the Boogie Monsters. That was a hot ass album. I always wondered what happened to them.. well like all things gone bad- they found jesus.. j/k. I dont think anybody copped the first one but me.. but that's cool; cause it was great being the only one knowing about this jem of a album.

Angry woebots

I don't want to sound like too much of a groupie but you have to check out angry woebots website here! This blog def. has a cool ass vibe but after I saw that he was a fellow c&c lover I was feeling dude even Check out the clip below that I ripped start from his page. Don't forget to add him on myspace here!

Cam'ron is an asshole!

Cooper's report will be broadcast on 60 Minutes this Sunday, April 22, at 7 p.m. ET/PT.

"If I knew the serial killer was living next door to me?" Cam'ron responds to a hypothetical question posed by Cooper. "I wouldn't call and tell anybody on him — but I'd probably move. But I'm not going to call and be like, 'The serial killer's in 4E.' "
Cam'ron's "code of ethics" also extends to crimes committed against him. After being shot and wounded by gunmen, Camron refused to cooperate with police. Why?
"Because … it would definitely hurt my business, and the way I was raised, I just don't do that," says Camron.
"So for you, it's really about business?" Cooper asks.
"It's about business," Camron says, "but it's still also a code of ethics"

IF THIS ISN'T THE STUPIDEST SHIT I'VE EVER HEARD IN MY LIFE!!! Rappers need to start shutting the f*ck up nowadays. What in the hell or better yet, who in the hell told Camron's stupid ass to talk? Foot in mouth, foot in mouth. For once I wish Oprah would come after a rapper. Didn't this retard go to college? Boy O Boy- the media knows how to pick them. When did snitching become a debatable issue? If your in the game your a player and deserve to get played on. Case in point, Cam'ron getting shot. If your in the streets with the big dogs and you ride and go to all the big dog spots your going to be targeted as one so dont f'ing cry when someone steps up to you.
No Cam'ron can't go to the police about who shot him. Now as a tuff rapper shouldn't be going to the police you should be using that OG status that you rap about and handle your handle. But if a rapest was living next do to your dumb ass and you know it... call the police, if not handle that you punkass. That's the code of the streets.

I don't even know if I want to watch this show sunday... BAH!!!

This is why I'm hot REMIX


Thursday, April 19, 2007

Mar- f'ing- lo's

I know I'm a little late posting this but here it is.. GTF at Marlo's in Irvington. I think this is the first time in a long time marv (far left), Nick (3rd on top) and I (the pale skinned) have chilled in a long time. Little history about Marlo's... we hated Marlo's has always been an old-head bar where old ass men would try and pick up young chicks. The music sucked (old ass club music) and we were too cool to be in there.
There's a building behind Marlo's where me, nick and marv used to chill in and throw rocks and flatten the tires of cars that belonged to the old-heads that were in Marlo's. We just didn't like what they stood for. They thought they were cool and well off but went to a hole in the wall spot to pick up chicks half their age.

With all that said Marv's girl had her birthday party there and the promise to never go there was broken. At first, I refused to go- saying that we should never brake the promise but Marv made me realize that it was going to be broken anyway because he had to go and it would be a good reason for the old crew to hang out So here's the rest of the pictures at Marlo's....


About a year ago I was in the hospital and all I took with me was Fanton Mojah's cd that I had picked up about two days before that. Seriously it helped me deal with a lot of pain and gave me a focus when I thought I couldn't take the pain. I'm not a rasta by no means but I can respect someone's view and try to apply it to my own beliefs. His cd is 100% Culture. Culture is a type of reggae. As far as I can tell there's dancehall- which is the more popular one, where people like beenieman and bounty killa live.. at the Then you have culture; this is a more spiritual vibe where they either talk about christianity or the rasta life style. This tends to be what American pot heads listen As I got older I've come to love both.

As a youth I would make fun of culture music and say I don't like that old man music. In high school I used to run around with a Guyanese crew called Junglist. My best friend Marv was Guyanese (you couldn't tell) and his cousin 'Elton was down with them so we would hang out with them in high school (when we This is where I REALLY started to listen to reggae at. They had older brothers that used to battle at sound clashes but the ones we knew were crazy as hell. Running around the school with machete's and guns. Starting fights with the Americans (black americans), Haitians & Dominicians. It was some of the most fun I've ever had in my life.

Dudes used to sell drugs at the top of the bleachers in the back of the school, at gym class I wouldn't get changed for class and just hang with them. The gym teacher wouldn't say shit cause they were selling weed and coke to the gym If the american kids wanted to buy weed they had to come up the bleachers... I remember this one time the kid (that grew up across the street from me) wanted some weed and was trying to act tuff. They sent him on his way and told him no. He started talking shit so we stomped his ass all the way down the bleachers. I twisted the hell out of my ankle that day.

Or the time they said we could go to a sound clash with them because it was in brooklyn and they needed the extra bodies just in case there was a fight. Right before we jumped on the turnpike we stopped for gas. Everybody was smoking weed in the truck expect for me and my boys. A cop car pulled up across from us and got some gas. Of course everybody was shook as hell. But they didn't bother us and when we left out of there, we were laughing our asses off. As we get on the turnpike the dudes driving turned to me and my boys and asked us "ya know 'tis car stolen?" I almost pissed my pants when I saw the screwdriver in the

BIG UP! to all my Junglist breadren. Last I heard was Irvington Police was arresting any younth wearing tshirst that said Junglist on it because they were now catagorized as a gang. As far as the dudes I knew from that crew... I see Junior and Peppa around but the rest either are locked up, dead or they sent them back to Guyana.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Interview with graffiti's 3d-style pioneer Delta.
Shot at his exhibition in Brussel, at Alice Gallery

New Trexi Products

Coming soon in June/July 2007, Play Imaginative will be releasing 2 trexi series and 4 designs of the trexi Digits.

-Coca-Cola "A Better Tomorrow" trexi series

-trexi series 03

-trexi Digits: 2 designs from Kozik (DKE Toys exclusive), Danny Chan, Ultraman, limited to 500pcs
per design, each trexi will be numbered on the bottom of the foot (1/500...500/500)

Have you seen his stapler?

Diamond Select has finally come with something I've been waiting for.... Office Space!!! Milton was sculpted by Rudy Garcia and is a 7-inch tall scale complete with cubicle and desk accessories!
Price: $25.00
Estimated Availability Date: 8/29/2007

Exposing A Hidden Reality

WOW! My boy gave me this dvd to watch. It's crazy. I knew it was always crazy in there and certain basic needs where not being met but this is 10 times worse actually seeing it. Check out the week site TRAUMAUNIT.NET

And they also have a book coming out...
Within New Jersey’s Department of Corrections also known as the Department of Corruption, there is a housing unit within Northern State Prison known as the Security Threat Group Management Unit. It is a housing unit that was created both as a result of New Jersey’s growing gang epidemic, and its presence within the Department of Corrections. Its purpose is for alleged gang members within New Jersey’s prisons to attend a program within it called the Security Threat Group Unit Program where the alleged members of whichever Security Threat Group that they’re suspected of being affiliated with is to denounce their affiliation, and be taught about the many reasons why they should steer clear of today’s popular gang culture. Unfortunately, as a result of the prison Administration and the supervising officers on down to their subordinates’ counterproductive behavior, not only is the intended effect of the Program not being produced, but the exact opposite is occurring. Gang affiliations are being reinforced as a result of the alleged gang members getting to the S.T.G.M.U, and being ganged up on by officers that behave just as the alleged gang members are to not to, as the officers display total disregard for the law, policy and procedure by taking it into their own hands when dealing with them, which you will be able to see for yourself. One of the officers within the prison got so tired of what his fellow officers were doing to the prisoners that he decided to break the wall of silence by going so far as to give an inmate a camcorder to actually record what transpires as opposed to just merely speaking out, which would have only resulted in him being ostracized while all of the participants, cover remains. We’ve reached out to many people and entities regarding the cruel and excessive force used by these guards to everyone ranging from the President, US Senators, talk show personalities , journalists, all four major news organizations and more to expose this cover up that reached as high up as the “then” Commissioner of the New Jersey Department of Corrections, all to no avail. Now this information has found its rightful home on the world wide web for the world to see, so without further delay, here’s the 8th Amendment, let alone the entire Constitution being trampled on. Here’s a glimpse into the “Trauma Unit” that is sending suspected gang members back out into society far worst than when they left it.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Heltah Skeltah & BuckShot!

If you don't have that Sean Price album "Jesus Price Superstar" go get it now.. one of the illest albums this year.

DipSkate Team

Jim Jones Officially Launches DipSkate Team
Freestyle Rolling Documentary Slated For Release

New York, NY - In early 2006, Diplomat Records co-CEO Jim Jones announced his sponsorship venture with DipSkate, a Freestyle Rolling team headed by Calvin Sayles and Ramelle Knight. Jones has fulfilled a multitude of roles in his career, including recording artist, producer, executive, video director, entrepreneur and fashion icon with his new Nostic clothing line. Now Jim Jones and his Harlem-based crew The Diplomats are partnering with the newest phenomenon in the world of extreme sports, Freestyle Rolling, to create DipSkate, a Diplomat Records-sponsored skate team.

Commonly referred to as "aggressive skating" from its inception, Freestyle Rolling is the modern-day progression of inline skating, which blends skating, music, and fashion together. Several years ago, New York filmmakers The Brown Brothers (Chris and Courtney Brown) dove into the business of Freestyle Rolling with the same vigor as the skaters they were following on a daily basis. After several years of teaming with pro-skaters Ramelle Knight and Calvin Sayles on different ventures, including an international sponsorship with leading fashion company b.unique & co., the four men sought out new ways to elevate their collective success.

Jim Jones first approached The Brown Brothers after viewing their latest documentary film Know Difference, which received critical acclaim at several 2006 New York screenings. The powerful documentary is scheduled for international release in Fall 2007. "When I got the opportunity to see [The Brown Brothers'] tape, and they told me how the skaters feel when it comes to the Diplomats, I was honored," explains Jones. "They feel like we're the realest thing out there, and they love everything that we're doing, so it was a beautiful opportunity."

The viision that everyone shares in the DipSkate movement comes from an organic realm of shared professional and personal values. "Jim respects the hustle, the same as we do," says Ramelle Knight. "He sees what we do is real, and we're going to take it as far as we can, like he is with his projects. We're all grinding out here. We are bringing music and skating together to build a union that will make an even stronger team. It is a revolution that will be much appreciated."

Sadly, in March 2007, the team's manager Joseph Miles III passed away. Joseph's enthusiasm and dedication to the Freestyle Rolling movement was intoxicating, and his spirit will be carried on by the team. "This is a beautiful venture," Joseph said upon his official involvement with DipSkate in 2006. "The biggest movement in Hip Hop teaming up with the biggest up-and-coming movement in the world of extreme sports. This is something most people haven’t experienced, and it’s going to change a lot of opinions out there."

Erick Scarecrow's Shiitakes Parade

A Mexican Museum of Modern Art: A Project by Franco Mondini-Ruiz

April 28–June 30, 2007

Opening reception:
Friday April 27, 2007
6-8 pm

Contemporary artist Franco Mondini-Ruiz has created a site-specific installation with a humorous twist by commissioning piñata makers from his hometown of San Antonio, Texas to copy masterpieces of modern and contemporary art.

This exhibition is in conjunction with The Newark Museum’s historical exhibition Mexicana: Discovering Mexican Popular Arts, 1919–1950.

Aljira, a Center for Contemporary Art