Friday, July 20, 2007

Michael Vick

MAAANN... Fuck Peta, Fuck all these News people... and A BIGGG fuck you to all the HIP HOP Mags thats talking shit. I don't nor have ever fought dogs in my life. I have seen it and it is one of the worst things you can see. But I don't judge people and it is not my place to do so. This is a way of life for a lot of people and to point the finger at Mike Vick is crazy. They are making an example out of his ass. What part of PETA watches football and why should any man who watches that sport give two shits if PETA boycots the This is not an Oprah moment for their monkey asses.
I have never seen Mike Vick play, I don't watch football but I'm running out and buying a jersey today. BAAAAHHH!!!!

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