Monday, October 29, 2007

Movie: Talk To Me

This movie is a great film. This movie is a time capsule. This movie has sent a standard that I think most people won't be able to reach. I should really learn to write this stuff down. Right after watching the movie, during the movie and when I first saw the trailer I had soooo much to say... now all I can think is BLAH,BLAH, BLAH.

I think Petey is how most rappers are. I'm the manager telling everybody that its more then rap and I read so much into the lyrics when half of these rappers are saying exactly what they mean. Is it their fault that I over-analyzed everyone of their lyrics or is it my fault for wishful thinking.

The part that got me is when dude said "You do the things I scared to do and I do things your scared to do." When I hear a HOT VERSE half the time I probably change the meaning of what rappers say 90 percent of the time. Maybe that's because I have something to say but I'm scared to say it....hhhmmm. DEEP!!!! lol.

This movie is probably going to be another overlooked classic by both whites and blacks. Something the Lord Made & Pride are prime examples of how great movies are not appreciated. But we tend to run to the movies to see ghetto-esque or Tyler Perry flix. Where are the films which show our children a point of pride. These two movies are just plain great film making and it hurts when neither side will watch because they assume its for the "other man".

If you've never seen these three movies please go pick them up. You will feel a whole lot better about the state of black americans in hollywood.

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