Monday, November 19, 2007


Saturday I planned to go see Beowulf at the theater on 34th street in NYC. I just needed to get out the house. The funny thing is until 5:30 that morning I had no intention of seeing this movie. When people would talk about it I always just figured it would be another BAD attempt of making people seeing animated movies more then just for kids. I really thought the trailer wasn't up to take up such a big task but it was just a reason good enough to get me out the house.
See I was just trying to waste time before I went to purchase some UFC tickets because it was in Newarks stadium. But I called Draco and after getting his fat butt to not think about food we went to catch the 10:30 am showing of it and luckily it was in 3D.
3D has been a bad thing for me since I took my kids to watch Shark Boy & Lava Girl. The glasses were cool looking hence there wasn't one red and one blue lenses. They just looked like a pair of sun glasses.
Just to let everyone know whom is reading this ( THIS MOVIE IS NOT FOR YOUR 7 YEAR OLD CHILD. There was this chick and her son sitting in front of us and the had to get up in leave 12 minutes into the movie. I personally thing it was the 3D effect of it that scared the crap out of him because that caught me. lol. I think from now on I have to watch horror movies in 3D. I must have jumped about 3 times during the course of the film.
The bad thing was I read Beowulf 3 times my senior year in high school and I can't remember crap about it. I just remember my English teacher being so impressed that I was into it she gave me a passing grade in the class but I know I did As a 17 year old I was amazed that it reminded me of rap. The metaphors and the swagger Beowulf had was crazy.
All and all it was a pretty good movie and I would give it a B+

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