Thursday, October 30, 2008

People in the Middle for Obama

Jesus! I don't care what you are and who your voting for but you have to feel something when you see stuff like this. Yesterday I wrote about my own family and call me crazy but we are seeing something bigger then politics.
While I was watching this I was thinking that early on I said if Obama or Hillary didn't win I would vote for McCain if he made it. SShhhiiitttt...
I would have never thought watching the Republician Prelims that McCain would become what he is now.
The reason I thought about it was because I was wondering "what if I was a Republician, how would I feel about McCain. Would I vote for him" and the answer is HELL NO!
Why you ask... Obama is a man that everybody should respect by the way he is carrying himself. I think if the shoe was on the other foot McCain would have lost it by now. I think most people would have lost it by now. Obama just takes it with such grace.
He is not human. Which brings me back to the first word I

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