Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Andy Mouse by 360 Toy Group

Here's a piece I wrote for Sound Of Art (if you dont know about them check them out).

Well the Andy Mouse vinyl is here. A figure done by 360 ToyGroup and with the stamp of approval of The Estate of Keith Haring. 360 Toy Group is responsible for great vinyl collabos' with companies and graffiti greats such as Stussy, Kaws and Futura. So you know this is start fire. It seems as if last year was the year for a Keith Haring renewal. With the AdiColor kicks and clothes that came out last year, what better way for a hipster or streetwear guru to get a complete fix of Keith Haring other then having a great collectable mounted on his desktop. Jakuan of 360 knew all the kids knew who Andy Warhol and Basqiat was but he wanted to bring some shine to a man that deserves just as much light. I wouldn't lie to you, when I first saw the Andy Mouse vinyl and the name Keith Haring I couldn't tell you off the bat who he was. So like I do when I don't know something... I throw the name in a online search engine and waited for the magic. As soon as I saw his classic "stick men figures" as I call it, it took me straight to the 80's and seeing those guys on MTV, tshirts and damnnear anywhere I looked. Looking at his art it seems as if Keith was dying for someone to make some vinyl figures from his paintings. Jakuan must have picked up on it and ran like hell. He approached keith haring's estate to make figures for them around 2003 and after convincing them that it was a good way for the estate to broaden and attract a new fan base for his work it was a go. Now if your asking why not make figures of his better known subject of paintings like the radiant baby, the stick men or dog? Well what better way to spark someone's interest then present them with something they have never seen. The person in charge of the license at the time suggested to make Andy Mouse as the first figure BECAUSE it wasn't as known as his other works. So with the green light and the license to make a Keith Haring as big in the toy art world in hand he started to put that work in. Jakuan is a one man wrecking machine, from sculpting to sales to marketing he got it in. It premiered at The Showroom NYC with a very limited gray color version that was only sold there and later released that year. I'm guessing the response was crazy because I am now hold one of my very own. So much love to Jakuan, 360 TOYGROUP and to the estate of Keith Haring for bringing this great vinyl to use. Joints like these are the reason Im in the business... 1.

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